Window DIY, Window Tips & Advice

5 Steps to Maintaining Your Windows in Calgary’s Climate

5 Steps to Maintaining Your Windows in Calgary's Climate

Maintaining the windows of a Calgary home is more than just a seasonal chore; it’s a critical component in the fight against the city’s diverse and often extreme weather patterns. From the crisp cold of winter to the rapid temperature shifts of the Chinook winds, Calgary’s climate can be particularly tough on windows, which are the main line of defense for maintaining indoor comfort and energy efficiency.

Home to over a million residents, Calgary’s homeowners understand the value of a well-kept abode, where little details like the window latches, frames, and panes can make a huge difference in daily living. Whether you’re a seasoned DIY enthusiast or simply looking to bolster your home’s resilience, this comprehensive guide will walk you through the essential steps to keep your windows in top condition throughout the year.

#Step 1: Regular Cleaning

The Importance of Clean Windows

Clean windows not only contribute to the aesthetic appeal of your home but also allow more natural light to enter, which can positively impact your health and mood. In Calgary, where sunlight is a welcome respite from winter greys, clean windows maximize your daylight hours.

Recommended Cleaning Methods for Calgary’s Climate

Calgary’s climate includes a mix of dry spells and wet seasons. During dustier periods, a weekly wipe-down with a damp microfiber cloth followed by a quick dry with a squeegee or lint-free cloth can be highly effective. For tougher dirt and stains, a solution of mild dish soap and water will tackle grime without leaving streaks. Avoiding cleaners with harsh chemicals ensures the longevity of your window finishes, especially those that may be sensitive to extreme temperatures.

#Step 2: Inspecting for Damage

Signs of Damage to Look For

Calgary homes need windows that are resilient to cold and moisture. Common signs of damage include peeling paint, moisture inside double- or triple-paned windows, difficulty opening or closing, or drafts.

DIY Inspection Tips

Perform a visual inspection of your windows at least twice a year, or more often if you notice any sudden changes in your home’s comfort levels. Look for cracks or gaps in the caulking, visible damage to the frame, and any signs of water intrusion or mold growth around the window.

#Step 3: Sealing and Caulking

Importance of Sealing in Calgary’s Climate

Properly sealed windows keep the cold out in winter and the heat at bay in the summer. The strength of a Calgary sealant is tested when the chill of the winter or the heat of the summer extend into the shoulder seasons.

How to Properly Seal and Caulk Windows

For cracks, using a high-quality silicone caulk that’s rated for exterior use and can withstand temperature variations is essential. Begin by cleaning the area thoroughly to ensure adhesion. Then, using a caulking gun, apply a consistent bead of caulk, and use a tool or your finger to smooth it into place. Allow it to cure fully before exposing it to the elements.

#Step 4: Weather Stripping

Benefits of Weather Stripping

Weather stripping serves as a flexible seal between the movable components of a window and the window frame, preventing air and moisture from infiltrating your home.

Steps to Replace Weather Stripping

If you feel a draft or see signs of wear on your existing weather stripping, it’s time to replace it. Start by cleaning the surfaces where the new stripping will go. Then, measure the dimensions and cut the new stripping material to fit. Peel off the adhesive backing and press firmly into place. Be sure to keep the stripping consistent, with no gaps that could allow air to seep through.

#Step 5: Professional Maintenance

When to Seek Professional Help

Know when a DIY solution is not the best course of action. If you have significant rot or damage to your window frames, it’s best to consult a professional. Look for a specialist in window replacement or repair that understands the unique challenges of Calgary’s environment.

Tips for Choosing a Reliable Window Maintenance Service in Calgary

The best window maintenance professionals in Calgary will offer a comprehensive inspection, troubleshoot potential issues, and provide a clear, detailed estimate of any work needed. They should have a history of serving the local community and be able to provide references from satisfied customers.

Best Practices for Long-Lasting Windows

In addition to the five steps detailed above, there are several other best practices for maintaining your windows in Calgary:

  • Monitor Humidity Levels: Keep indoor humidity in check to prevent condensation buildup, which can lead to mold and mildew.
  • Trim Back Trees and Shrubs: Overhanging branches can damage windows during storms, and accumulated debris can lead to wear and tear on the window finish.
  • Invest in Window Treatments: Curtains, blinds, and tinted films can enhance your windows’ performance, especially against the strong UV rays that can cause fading and materials to degrade.

By proactively maintaining your windows, you’re not only ensuring the longevity of a vital home feature but also investing in energy savings and the overall comfort of your living space in every season. Properly cared for windows can stand up to Calgary’s unique climate challenges, providing security and peace of mind for years to come.

The Impact of Proper Window Maintenance

Implementing the five maintenance steps and additional best practices will slowly but surely build a fortress around your home, one that isn’t just a shield against the weather but a deft manager of your home’s internal climate. It’s quite common for homeowners to see a reduction in their energy bills after addressing window maintenance, thanks to lower reliance on HVAC systems and a more energy-efficient home overall.

With a small investment of time and resources, you’ll create a hygge-laden atmosphere in your house, where every nook and cranny — including your steadfast windows — contributes to that quintessentially Canadian sense of coziness and well-being, no matter what the Calgary weather throws at you. Long-term comfort and cost savings are on the other side of these maintenance tasks, making them well worth the effort in the grand scheme of your home’s care and functionality.

A Calgary Home’s Best Friends

Windows play a crucial role in the comfort and efficiency of Calgary homes. By keeping up with regular maintenance, you’re not just preventing costly repairs; you’re ensuring that each window continues to be a beacon of light and a silent guardian against nature’s harshest moods.

Now is your opportunity to take charge of your home’s upkeep and make informed decisions that will benefit your household year-round. Whether you’re admiring the first snowfall through beautifully cleaned glass or basking in the summer sunshine with well-sealed panes, your commitment to window maintenance is a gift that keeps on giving.

To get started, consider setting a seasonal schedule for checking and maintaining your windows. In the spring, focus on cleaning and inspecting for any damage caused by winter’s wrath. Summer is the perfect time to apply sealant and caulk any gaps that might compromise your home’s energy efficiency. Come fall, ensure your windows and their frames are ready to face the cold with any necessary repairs or replacements. And, during winter, regularly check for ice buildup and manage condensation to keep your windows clear and functional. By adhering to this cycle, you’ll stay ahead of any potential issues and keep your windows in top shape all year round.

Best windows for Calgary’s climate

When selecting the best windows for Calgary’s climate, homeowners should prioritize both durability and energy efficiency. Given Calgary’s unique weather patterns, which can swing from extreme cold in winter to hot summers, dual or triple-pane windows filled with argon gas offer superior insulation. These windows not only keep the home comfortably warm during the frigid winter months but also help in maintaining a cooler interior during the summer heat. Look for windows with a low-E coating, which reflects infrared light, keeping heat inside in the winter and outside in the summer. Additionally, choosing windows with a high ENERGY STAR rating ensures that you’re investing in a product designed to withstand Calgary’s diverse climate, ultimately contributing to lower energy bills and a more comfortable living environment year-round.